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Why Odessa in Ukraine is considered to be the city of the most beautiful girls?

The girls living in Odessa are believed as the most beautiful ones in the world. Such was the outcome to which a group of scientists from Europe and America has come, independently. The men from the West, who are seeking a wife abroad, would examine the files from Odessa first, according to polls.

In their opinion, the female inhabitants of Odessa have a good plenty of privileges against the fair sex from other localities. Scientists believe that the natural beauty possessed by Odessa women is due to the peculiar conditions they are living in, and historical factors, too. The majority of women born in Odessa have a rich multi-ethnic background because of the city history being a melting pot for diverse nations and populaces inhabiting the area for centuries: Romans, Greeks, Jews, Scythians, Slavs, and etc. It is true that a rich pool of genes is beneficial both to health status and appearance.



Besides, the Black Sea coast means a special natural environment, allowing to preserve the essence of women's beauty. It is believed that Odessa women can longer be in perfect shape, being less cellulites and obesity prone. Of course, all this is a mere theory, as one cannot calculate practically the number of beauties from Odessa to compare this data with other cities. However, the fact that men prefer Odessa women first, is not disputable. Men from the West and East have smartened up, finally, by the eve of the 21st century to distinguish the differences in female ethnicity, and hence giving the priority to those of Slavic nationality.





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